Meet Kelly Lowry

General Manager, Business and Property developer, and Mindset strategist.

For the past 25 years, Kelly has been creating, inspiring and innovating in the corporate world of commercial business.  With her first property development at the age of 20, Kelly went on to build a diverse portfolio of major developments, including her own successful commercial enterprises. From multi-million property development, to grass-roots conceptual planning for start-up, and everything in between, there isn’t much Kelly hasn’t done.

With a Bachelor of Marketing and International Business, as well as qualifications in design, journalism and public relations, Kelly’s journey has led her all over the world, establishing an impressive global clientele of highly recognized companies and individuals.

Kelly has always had an involvement in the property industry and blended this forte with her businesses. First property development at the age of 20 years old therefore over the years building larger and more diverse portfolios such as commercial, strip retail and fuel stations. Kelly and her business partner won two Master Builders awards for design and construction over these years, whilst completing 22 developments ranging from a $2,000,000 strip retail complexes to a blend of residential, commercial, mixed use shopping centre, fuel stations and child care centre projects some of the developments were funded at approx 100,000,000+. Overall she was responsible for the successful finance, sharing the management and construction of the projects with building partners and focused heavily on the marketing and sale of these developments.

Kelly worked closely with Roger Hamilton, owning and running the Australian sector of Wealth Dynamics and the XL network group, the membership grew over 6 years to 36 countries. She has worked on global stages with some of the most popular speakers from this time, the events have a considerable audience from 100 people up to 1000 people in an auditorium. Over the years with Tony Robbins, Louise Hay, Wayne Dwyer, James and Sally Redfield, Paul Dunn, Roy McDonald. Roger Hamilton, Mal Emery, Pat Messiti and many more pioneers in the change maker and thought leader industry.

For the last 15 years Kelly as a mentor has decided to impart this knowledge with her valuable experiences to other SME’s and has been a successful mentor working with a blend of global educational event companies developing and designing serviced programs, workshops and seminars, delivering personal and business advancing products and services. Her passion and experience is as a mentor and strategist with business owners a formula of structure and innovation within their companies to lead them to success as conscious entrepreneurs…

Kelly Lowry
Kelly LowryOwner

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