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Learn a Battle-Tested Strategy For Trading The Markets in Under 60 Mins Per Day


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Book Your Free Strategy Call

Attend Your Strategy Session And Receive our FREE Day Trading Starter’s Kitโ€

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Day Trader’s Starter Kit FREE When You Attend Your Strategy Call

What’s Inside:

  • What causes a trader to fail (and what to avoid)
  • How to apply effective risk management
  • Understanding candlesticks and trading patterns
  • Trading trends and reversals

Dear Friend & Aspiring Trader,

Cam Buchanan here, International Day Trading Academy’s Founder and Managing Director.

Do you see others making a profit from trading and just can’t figure out how they do it?

Maybe you’ve tried it out yourself but you want a better result

You may have even followed some “gurus” or investment services offering up the next hot stocks that will “go to the moon ๐Ÿš€”, or “home run” investments.

Thing is, you need to have a game plan and a method.

To be blunt, you need to know what you’re doing.

As recently as 2020/21 we had an amazing bull run…

The markets all seemed like they’d keep going higher and higher.

It’s been easy for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to provide advice based on their buy-only strategy.

But it’s over now…

Let me guess, now that things are taking a little more skill…

You have no idea what the hell to do.

Sound about right?

Don’t feel down about it, there are many people in the same boat.

Everyone wants to tell you where you should put your money, but you need to rely on data, probability, and money management, not opinion…

Now you’re looking for a way to make money from the market.

The markets aren’t always providing much opportunity.

In fact…

There are times where the markets get absolutely smashed!

Take Bitcoin for example.

The below chart shows Bitcoin in late 2022 when it was hit HARD

Look how far price dropped from its all-time high…

bitcoin price drop 2022

People lost the shirts off their back…

During this period stock portfolios shrank.

Super funds weren’t performing.

What do you do when this happens!

I’m about to let you in on a style of trading that you might have never heard of…

Something that is completely recession-proof

Matter of fact, I’m going to provide some FREE training on just how I go about trading the markets.

Here’s Just a Mere Fraction of What You’ll Discover in This Free Online Web Class

Profit Potential in All Types of Markets

The markets don’t need to be in a state of growth in order to find great trading opportunities. In fact, there are theoretically just as many opportunities in a falling market as there is in a booming one

How Professional Traders Identify Good Trades

The markets are what I like to call "calculated randomness". The markets move based on the actions of hundreds of thousands of traders. What pro traders can do is predict the most likely of random events.

Stop Chasing Trades & Let Them Come to You

A classic mistake that plagues stock traders in particular is chasing that "hot new stock". This usually ends in disaster... Timing is everything in trading. We' ll show you how we trade just one market that offers a bounty of opportunities.

#1 Thing You Must do to Avoid Losing Thousands

A large percentage of traders fail in their first 12 months. Millions upon millions are lost to the markets by new traders who make this 1 mistake. We'll tell you what that mistake is, and how you can look to remove it from your trading.

Who Can Benefit From Trading The Markets?
  • Overworked 9 to 5ers: Imagine a job, or online business that can be achieved in 60 minutes per day (or fewer!)

  • Aging Bodies: Your back… your knees… we weren’t built to do heavy work forever. What’s the exit strategy when you can’t go on?

  • Time Poor Mums: Unsung heroes of the family. You spend so much time looking after the family you lack quality time to spend with them

  • Seeking Career Change: Looking for something new, straight up hate your job…? Trading could be a promising career where you’re the boss

  • Seeking Secondary: It’s hard to find a secondary source of income that you can actually fit into your daily lifestyle, could trading do that?

  • Investors: When the markets are in a downtrend, it’s hard to find growth in your investments. Learn to ride the trend, both directions.

  • Seeking a Business Opportunity: A business opportunity that costs less to set up, and less to run than a traditional business.
Even More Reasons to Learn How to
Take Advantage of the Markets

A Genuine Investment Opportunity

An investment where you control all the decisions


Create More Free Time For Yourself

A potential income stream that takes around 10 hours a week


Opportunity For a Secondary Income

A potential source of income that can be done on the side

mobile business opportunity

A Mobile Business With No Staff or Inventory

All you need is a computer, trading platform, and internet

free time

Create More Family and Friends Time

Free up your time to do the things youโ€™d rather be doing

day trading as a less physical way of working

Find a Less Physical Way of Working

A way of working that you can do comfortably sitting down

smart money

Lower Start-up Costs Than Small Business

Very limited hardware, software, other start-up costs

flexible lifestyle through trading

Flexible Working Hours to Match Your Lifestyle

Find a market session that fits around your current lifestyle

How to Seek Profitable Trades in Under 60 Minutes Per Day

Watch the Free online web class now.

Learn how professional traders get their trading edge.

Reviews Like These are Why we Exist

Hear from just a few of our members that we have taught, and guided on their journey of becoming a part-time or full-time day trader.

reviews for international day trading academy

Everybody’s trading journey is different, the testimonials above may not necessarily be indicative of the average member.

๐Ÿ˜ What our Members say

Vince R (NSW) โ€“ Nov 2023

Mark D (QLD) โ€“ Nov 2023

Mitch D (VIC) โ€“ Nov 2023

Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Cam Buchanan


Well done for reaching this far.

I don’t know what more I can give at this point…

All I’ll say is, this is high value training that won’t cost you a cent.

There’s no “catch” to this.

I want to introduce you to something that has transformed my life.

I just know you’ll take something valuable from this class.

I’ll see you in there.

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